How to grow and pick alstroemerias for endless flowers

August 30th, 2020
Posted In: Gardening know how

Alstroemerias are very easy to grow. They flower from May to November in a UK garden and even longer in some other countries.

‘They’ll flower all year round if you keep them in pots in a greenhouse,’ says Ben Cross of Crosslands Flower Nursery, alstroemeria growers in Sussex. Also known as ‘Peruvian lilies’, they grow brilliantly in pots, too.

However, they are no relation to lilies. The flowers look like lilies, but there is no botanical link. This means alstroemerias aren’t toxic to dogs and cats, whereas true lilies can be a problem.

mixed alstroemerias

Mixed alstroemerias from Crosslands Flower Nursery.

Peruvian lilies are also an exceptionally long-lasting flower in a vase.

I asked Ben for his advice on growing and picking them. Although they’re an easy and undemanding plant, you can’t cut them with secateurs and you don’t ‘prune’ them in the normal way.

Ben Cross alstroemerias

Ben Cross at Crosslands Farm, fourth generation alstroemeria growers in Sussex.

Where to buy garden alstroemerias in the UK

Ben recommends growing ‘Indian Summer’ and ‘Rock and roll’ in the garden. ‘You can find alstroemeria growers at garden shows and online.’

Crosslands Flower Nursery only sell the cut flowers to florists and to individuals or companies for events, such as weddings. They don’t sell the plants to gardeners. But I’ve found good selections of garden alstroemerias available mail order from Alstroemeria Select, Thompson & Morgan and Burncoose Nurseries.

‘Because of the way the DNA works, the red/orange alstroemerias are the taller ones for the middle or back of a border,’ says Ben. ‘If you want the prettier, lighter colours, they’ll be shorter so you’ll need to have them at the front of a border.’

Indian summer Peruvian lily

‘Indian Summer’ is one of the most popular garden alstroemerias.

How to plant alstroemerias

Ben plants alstroemerias from 9cm pots. ‘First slip the plant out of the pot and check that there’s a good circle of white root around the bottom of the pot before planting it,’ he advises. If it doesn’t have much root, grow it on in the pot for a few weeks until more roots appear.

planting alstromerias

This is about the right amount of root – this alstroemeria is ready to be planted in the soil.

Then Ben just literally digs a hole in the ground and pops the plant in, making sure its roots touch the bottom of the hole. ‘Plant it about wrist deep,’ he says. Firm it up with soil and give it a light watering.

As a commercial grower, he keeps his soil in good condition, so doesn’t add extra compost when planting. If you don’t regularly mulch your soil with a layer of compost or garden manure, then you might want to add some at planting.

Where to plant alstroemerias

Peruvian lilies are easy to grow but they do better in some situations than in others. ‘If you’ve got a very open or windy garden, give them a sheltered spot,’ advises Ben.

And although they like sunlight, they don’t want to be baked. If they’re in full sun in the height of summer, their roots get too hot and they flower less, Ben explains. So they’ll be happy in light shade or areas which have some sun and some shade.

The taller alstroemerias will need staking.

How to prune alstroemerias

You should NEVER prune the Peruvian lily with secateurs. ‘We don’t do pruning, we do thinning,’ says Ben. ‘Look for stems that don’t have flower buds on them and tug them out.’ They come out complete with their single length of root.

‘If you cut – rather than pick – the stems off, then the root of that stem will stay in the ground and rot, possibly introducing rot or fungus to the rest of the roots,’ he says.

Pulling the non-flowering stems out will mean the plant can concentrate its energies on growing flowers. You’re allowing the remaining plant to enjoy more light and nutrients, so it will flower more.

Thinning alstroemerias

You can see the length of root that has been pulled out of the ground here – a good six inches or more has come out.

How to pick alstroemerias

‘Never call an alstroemeria a ‘cut flower’ again,’ says Ben. You should always ‘pick it’, never cut it.

‘Picking’ is exactly the same technique as you use for thinning.

Firstly, choose a flower where the buds are almost out. They’ll be quite swollen, with obvious colour, but not yet open. ‘Flowers last longer if you pick them at the right stage,’ explains Ben.

Grasp the stem you’ve chosen around halfway down and tug gently, pulling out the entire length of root for that flower.

It’s more like harvesting rhubarb than cutting flowers.

British Flowers Rock

Ben also heads up the ‘British Flowers Rock’ campaign to promote buying flowers locally to where you live rather than flowers that have been imported.

Ben’s tips for long lasting Peruvian lilies in flower arrangements

You’ll be pulling out the full length of root, so cut that off and strip off the leaves. This means that the plant’s energy can be concentrated on the flower.

‘Change the water in the vase every two or three days. When you do that, re-cut the ends of the flowers. Bacteria will have grown around the ends of the stems, which prevents the uptake of water. Re-cutting the stems helps them take up water.’

Do alstroemerias grow in pots?

Ben strongly recommends growing them in pots. In the border, they can spread too much, but in pots, they can be contained.

You can also keep them flowering for longer if you move the pots from the garden to a greenhouse or conservatory in the winter.

‘But choose the shorter varieties,’ advises Ben. ‘Taller alstroemerias are more likely to get blown over.’

Use a standard potting compost – they don’t require anything special. But Ben says that alstroemerias are a ‘dry crop.’ Don’t over-water or allow the pot to sit in water.

Champagne Peruvian lily

Paler Peruvian lilies, such as this ‘Champagne’, are usually much shorter than the reddish-orange ones, so they’re more suitable for pots.

Can you grow alstroemerias from seeds or cuttings?

You can grow alstroemerias from seeds, but Ben doesn’t recommend it. You shouldn’t try to propagate it from cuttings either.

But the roots do multiply easily in soil. Whether you grow it in a pot or in a border, Ben suggests that you re-pot or dig it out every few years. ‘The roots will have multiplied and you can pull them apart easily. I have tried harvesting the seed and replanting it but it hasn’t been particularly successful for me.’

Can you have too much of a good thing?

The fact that alstroemerias spread so easily is loved by some people, but not by others.

In some places, such as parts of Australia, alstroemerias are considered invasive non-natives. They can escape from gardens into the wild and out-compete native wildflowers.

It’s always worth checking what is considered invasive in your area. Sometimes planting it is forbidden. Or you may be allowed to grow it in your garden, provided that you take steps to make sure it doesn’t escape into the wild. In the UK, alstroemerias are not considered invasive.

I featured Frances Moskovits’ amazing herbaceous border here, so I asked her what she thought of alstroemerias. ‘We had some in the garden when we arrived, and I wouldn’t be without them now,’ she says. ‘Every spring I pull ten or so out, as I know there will be more following on. Then they come up through other plants nicely. I’d highly recommend them, especially the taller varieties. Plant them in clumps or dotted between other plants. Or both.’

However, my sister in law in Melbourne finds them just a bit too easy to grow. ‘Alstroemerias?’ she said when I asked her about them. ‘I find glyphosate does the job…’

More about Crosslands Flower Nursery and British Flowers Rock

As Crosslands Flower Nursery sell flowers to florists and individual clients in the UK, they’re able to pick them at the right time, package them up and send them on. They arrive with the client just a few days after picking.

Flowers flown in from abroad have to be picked earlier and are then chilled or frozen down to 0.5C while they’re transported to supermarkets and florists by air and land. They often arrive in your home several weeks after they’ve been picked. ‘So they don’t last as long,’ Ben says.

Ben Cross

Ben stripping off leaves and trimming the stems, ready to pack up the flowers for despatch.

You can contact Crosslands Flower Nursery about ordering flowers via their Facebook page Crosslands Flower Nursery. Or get in touch with Ben via his Instagram feed, @alstroemeriaben.

See more alstroemerias and Ben’s advice in video

Shop my favourite gardening books, products and tools

I’m often asked for recommendations, so I have put together the gardening tools, books and products I use on the Middlesized Garden Amazon store. Links to Amazon are affiliate so I may get a small fee if you buy, but it won’t affect the price you pay. And I only recommend things I use myself or really think you’ll like.

For example, one list is of Good Books on Plants, where you can find beautiful books with advice on Hydrangeas and Dahlias, both by Naomi Slade.

Pin to remember alstromeria growing tips

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15 comments on "How to grow and pick alstroemerias for endless flowers"

  1. Sarah Fryer says:

    You don’t recommend taking cutting ..? Please …WHY ???

    1. Alstromerias multiply underground – their tubers grow, so if you want more alstromerias, you can dig them up and divide them every few years. Ben doesn’t recommend cutting alstromerias if you want flowers from the vase, because if you pull and twist, taking them out like rhubarb, then more flowers will grow, but if you leave a cut stump in that will slow it down.

  2. Joe Langridge says:

    Had 3 years of beautiful Peruvian lillies in Pots. Am I being impatient or is there something amiss. To date (2/05/23 ) I have abundant lush green growth but alas no sign of buds. Have not done anything different this year, watered and fed as last year. Please advise . Thanks

    1. It’s been a very slow spring, everyone is finding that plants aren’t coming up. I hope yours emerge eventually, if not it might be worth asking Ben Cross on Instagram. The link is here:

  3. What do I do in winter. It is November and the potted plants are still flowering. Do I pick off all the stems and give it a good mulch or let the frost do it’s job and than mulch?

    1. Personally I’d let the frost do its job and then cover with mulch. But you could do either.

  4. Dave wood says:

    I bought 12 bare root plants expecting a beautiful display not one came up I have very good soil free draining every other plant has done excellent this year I have a nice size garden I live in north Yorkshire England I feel as I have been ripped off and I have looked in every garden centre near me and they do not sell them so I am never going to order bare root plants ever again after knowing I hhave planted them rightly in pots and in my garden what a let down after I know I couldn’t of done anymore

    1. Oh, dear, that is a pity. Did you notify the supplier you bought the plants from? Most suppliers are very helpful about putting things right. Although it’s clear that there was something wrong with the whole batch, don’t let it put you off bare root plants because sometimes these can be great value and take very well.

  5. Great site. But need help. I have alstroemerias in pots, some flower well but a couple I have just have the stems and leaves, maybe one flower. What am I doing wrong. I can’t find a book on care for them ??

    1. Two possibilities – are the pots in a sunny spot? Alstromerias need sun to flower. Also are you feeding them regularly? Any regular all-purpose plant food will be fine, follow the instructions for plants in pots. I hope that helps.

  6. Bridget says:

    Are alstroemeria successful in oasis for church arrangements

    1. I’m not sure about oasis, as they’re like bulbs, but they’re not expensive, so I’d suggest trying them out. They generally make a good cut flower.

  7. Linda says:

    Love your site glad I found it

  8. Clive Gifford says:

    alstroemerias: Interesting video with useful tips. One point though, the audio was spoiled (muffled) as the microphone was underneath your light scarf.

    1. Oh, dear, yes, I’m sorry, I battled with the audio and re-recorded it but then it came out too loud. But I won’t let the mic get stuck under my scarf again.

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